That's a job which states play. "Health care costs, not simply in the state of ours, but throughout the country are much too high. The federal government cannot force individuals to purchase insurance. And the most powerful technique to deal with the issue is to get additional people covered. We want to make sure all residents have use of health care, including medicaid expansion and No-Copay plans like Cigna." Helmer agreed that reducing spending is a proven way to reduce costs.

- during a call on COVID-19, May seven, 2024 "And in this particular pandemic, the biggest challenge facing us to be a country is making sure that we've enough health care capacity, evaluation as well as tracing installed before we proceed in to the next phase. And also unfortunately, it is not only today's president, but Congressional Republicans that are standing upright in the method of getting the national goal which the White House established itself.

In his words: We need to kill a national strategy to ensure that each and every American is able to get tested and get treatment at any time in time. That's going to demand leadership and unity. Helmer's campaign says the issues most important to him are health care, climate change and training. Additionally, he thinks overall health care costs are far too high which families are now being harmed by not being ready to afford and receive proper care.

He favors Medicare for all those as the first step to ensuring universal healthcare and he too favors lowering the price of prescription medications. Helmer advocates for making college more inexpensive, so that most students can graduate without debt. What's Dan Helmer's platform? Additionally, he feels that the pharmaceutical industry and also health insurance companies require better laws to stop monopolies and abuses of power.

He said every pupil ought to have permission to access affordable four-year degrees at institutions which are public which those students that visits private schools will be able to transfer credits to a public faculty or receive other help when paying off the student loans of theirs. As a Marine veteran, Helmer believes that universal healthcare is the only way to ensure veterans and their families get the right attention. He supports building back better, which would concentrate on jobs that are environmentally friendly and infrastructure.

Helmer said Republicans do nothing about climate change, and also the environment is suffering the consequences. His platform says that the fastest way to reduced drug rates is to negotiate them directly. He favors the Green New Deal, that is designed to fight climate change through federal investment in energy which is renewable.