No Guardians baseball the other day, so all eyes were on the minor-league system, namely Tanner Bibee illuminating the radar weapon versus the Worcester Red Sox. His four-seamer reached new highs, peaking at 99. 4 mph in the very first inning and preserving at 98. 2 mph by the Bibee starts out Jorge Alfaro on a 99 miles per hour heater. La Mole, so please do not trash the location. Blake supervises and I left him $20 for pizza. Emergency situation numbers are on the refrigerator and don't forget to give your bro a banana if he passes out from his potassium Guardians newsThere is no information, just more Tanner Bibee clips. 97, 98, 99 for Tanner Bibee in this abdominal, gassing Jorge Alfaro Justin L. April 13, 2023Tanner Bibee secures one more WooSox batter with 99 on the black. La Mole April 13, 2023Tanner Bibee is out below tossing 99 miles per hour heaters with 19+ inches of caused vertical break. Legit guy. Geoff Pontes April 13, 2023Tanner Bibee is all set to be in Cleveland's rotation. Appeared like a stud tonight. Heater stood up to 99 with fantastic adventure on top of the area.